giving back
Trusting Nature & Giving Back
What makes your soul sing? What lights you up, energizes, and inspires you? Connecting to the infinite love in all animals and Mother Earth’s astounding generosity is what answers those questions for me. It is a gift to be alive and a gift to give back at every opportunity.
Trusting nature has taught me to trust my own true-nature and follow my heart in everything I do. My abiding compassion for the wellbeing of animals sets me ablaze and drives all my creative and philanthropic pursuits. My hope is that this fierce-loyalty to advocating for our two-legged, four-legged, winged and finned friends is wildly contagious. It’s my conviction that everyone who finds their way to my colorful world will be inspired to seed rainbows of their own. When we empower others, we fill our life with meaning and the magic of the universe unfolds.
Joyfully yours,